Top Billed Cast
Parasite (2019)
Certified Cringeworthy
219 votes)*
80.4% Audience Cringe Score (Sex Scene
Sexual Violence
We've determined Parasite is NOT SAFE to watch with parents or kids.
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Title: Parasite [Official Trailer] – In Theaters October 11, 2019
Upload date: 2019-08-14 15:04:13
Description: Act like you own the place. #Parasite is in US Theaters October 11. Bong Joon Ho brings his singular mastery home to Kor...
Copyright year: 2019
* 80.4% of CringeMDB users flagged the content of Parasite as being inappropriate for children to watch with their parents because of either of a nude scene, a sex scene, or a scene depicting rape or sexual violence.
Top Billed Cast

Song Kang-ho Kim Ki-taek

Lee Sun-kyun Park Dong-ik

Cho Yeo-jeong Yeon-kyo

Choi Woo-shik Ki-woo

Park So-dam Ki-jung

Lee Jung-eun Moon-gwang