Top Billed Cast
The Traitor (2019)
Certified Cringeworthy
Sex Scene
Sexual Violence
We've determined The Traitor is NOT SAFE to watch with parents or kids.
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Title: THE TRAITOR | Official US Trailer HD (2019)
Upload date: 2019-09-05 16:00:12
Description: "The Mafia's not invincible. It had a beginning, it will have an end." Pierfrancesco Favino stars as Tommaso Buscetta in...
Copyright year: 2019
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Top Billed Cast

Pierfrancesco Favino Tommaso Buscetta

Maria Fernanda Cândido Maria Cristina de Almeida

Fabrizio Ferracane Pippo Calò

Fausto Russo Alesi Giovanni Falcone

Luigi Lo Cascio Salvatore Contorno

Bruno Cariello Alfonso Giordano