Clive Russell
Half of Clive Russells films DO contain sexual content.*
50.0% Featured Movie Cringe Score (22 movies)
Clive Russell Movie Credits
Certified Parent-Safe

Sherlock Holmes Captain Tanner

The 13th Warrior Helfdane (Fat)

The Power of One Sgt. Bormann

Thor: The Dark World Tyr

The Hawk Chief Inspector Daybury

Ladies in Lavender Adam Penruddocke

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Captain Tanner

The Hatton Garden Job Kenny Collins

The Wolfman MacQueen

The Emperor's New Clothes Sergeant Justin Bommel

The Etruscan Smile Campbell
Certified Cringeworthy

Book of Blood Wyburd

Margaret's Museum Neil Currie

The Last Duel King's Uncle

The Wicker Tree Beame

Bodywork Billy Hunch

Their Finest Mr. Starling (uncredited)

Oscar and Lucinda Theophilus

Outlaw King Lord Mackinnon of Skye

Dead Man Running McClintoch

Supervized Jerry

Mr In-Between Mr. Michaelmas