Jeffrey Donovan
The majority of Jeffrey Donovans films DO NOT contain sexual content.*
48.3% Featured Movie Cringe Score (29 movies)
Jeffrey Donovan Movie Credits
Certified Parent-Safe

Changeling Captain J.J. Jones

Vegas Vacation Hotel Employee (uncredited)

Believe in Me Clay Driscoll

Breaking Major Riddick

Critical Choices Randy

Extinction Jack

Surrounded Wheeler

Sicario Steve Forsing

LBJ John F. Kennedy

Sicario: Day of the Soldado Steve Forsing

J. Edgar Robert Kennedy

Honest Thief Sean Meyers

Let Him Go Bill Weboy

Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Steve Trevor (voice)

When Trumpets Fade Bobby
Certified Cringeworthy

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 Jeffrey "Jeff" Patterson

Come Early Morning Cal Percell

Hitch Vance Munson

Catherine's Grove Thomas Mason

R.I.P.D. 2: Rise of the Damned Sheriff Roy Pulsipher

Shot Caller Bottles

Sleepers Addison

Villains George

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Utah Defense Attorney John O'Connell

Wrath of Man Jackson

Lucy in the Sky Jim Hunt

Bait Julio

Purpose Robert Jennings

National Champions Mark Titus