Top Billed Cast
Cradle Will Rock (1999)
Certified Cringeworthy
1 votes)*
0.0% Audience Cringe Score (Sex Scene
Sexual Violence
We've determined Cradle Will Rock is NOT SAFE to watch with parents or kids.
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Title: Cradle Will Rock trailer
Upload date: 2012-08-11 22:52:12
Description: One of the most amazing films every artistic soul should see at least once..
Copyright year: 1999
* 0.0% of CringeMDB users flagged the content of Cradle Will Rock as being inappropriate for children to watch with their parents because of either of a nude scene, a sex scene, or a scene depicting rape or sexual violence.
Top Billed Cast

Hank Azaria Marc Blitzsetin

Rubén Blades Diego Rivera

Joan Cusack Hazel Huffman

John Cusack Nelson Rockefeller

Cary Elwes John Houseman

Philip Baker Hall Gray Mathers