Top Billed Cast
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Certified Cringeworthy
119 votes)*
42.9% Audience Cringe Score (Sex Scene
Sexual Violence
We've determined Hacksaw Ridge is NOT SAFE to watch with parents or kids.
CringeMDb Staff Says:
This movie contains brief male nudity. There is comical scene of a male soldier who is nude, but covers his genitals with his hands. You can briefly see his full bare buttocks. <a href="">A portion of the nude scene can be viewed here (YouTube)</a>.
Where to Stream Hacksaw Ridge
Watch & Streaming suggestions for United States
Help improve sexual content tags for this movie by clicking the agree or disagree button, emailing suggestions to [email protected] or submit a change request.
* 42.9% of CringeMDB users flagged the content of Hacksaw Ridge as being inappropriate for children to watch with their parents because of either of a nude scene, a sex scene, or a scene depicting rape or sexual violence.
Top Billed Cast

Andrew Garfield Desmond T. Doss

Sam Worthington Captain Glover

Vince Vaughn Sgt Howell

Teresa Palmer Dorothy Schuttle

Luke Bracey Smitty Ryker

Hugo Weaving Tom Doss