Scott Glenn
The majority of Scott Glenns films DO NOT contain sexual content.*
45.5% Featured Movie Cringe Score (33 movies)
Scott Glenn Movie Credits
Certified Parent-Safe

The Virgin Suicides Father Moody

Freedom Writers Steve Gruwell

The Bourne Ultimatum CIA Director Ezra Kramer

The Player Scott Glenn

The Hill Red Murff

Backdraft John 'Axe' Adcox

Firestorm Wynt Perkins

Tall Tale: The Unbelievable Adventure J.P. Stiles

Lesser Prophets Iggy

The Bourne Legacy Ezra Kramer

Secretariat Chris Chenery

Reckless Lloyd

Homeland Security Joe Johnson

Vertical Limit Montgomery Wick

Courage Under Fire Gartner

Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules Henry

Greenland Dale

Nights in Rodanthe Robert Torrelson
Certified Cringeworthy

Apocalypse Now Lieutenant Richard M. Colby

Absolute Power Bill Burton

Training Day Roger

W. Donald Rumsfeld

The Shipping News Jack Buggit

Camille Sheriff Foster

Buffalo Soldiers Sergeant Lee

Journey to the End of the Night Rosso

Faith of My Fathers Jack McCain

The Last Marshal Cole McClary

The Paperboy W.W. Jansen

Extreme Justice Dan Vaughn

Shadowhunter John Cain

Edie & Pen Harry

Surfer, Dude Alister Greenbough