Shannyn Sossamon
The majority of Shannyn Sossamons films DO contain sexual content.*
77.8% Featured Movie Cringe Score (18 movies)
Shannyn Sossamon Movie Credits
Certified Parent-Safe

Wristcutters: A Love Story Mikal

The Heavy Claire

Road to Nowhere Laurel Graham / Velma Duran

Sinister 2 Courtney Collins
Certified Cringeworthy

The Holiday Maggie

The Rules of Attraction Lauren Hynde

40 Days and 40 Nights Erica Sutton

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Pink Hair Girl

Life Is Hot in Cracktown Concetta

One Missed Call Beth Raymond

A Knight's Tale Jocelyn

The Order Mara Sinclair

Our Family Wedding Ashley McPhee

Catacombs Victoria

DeVour Marisol

Undiscovered Josie

The Day Shannon

There Are No Saints Inez