coriander's Profile

CringeMDb Contributor

5 months ago

Reviews (4)

Devour (2005)

I'm not going to lie, the entire reason I watched this movie was because of the lead (Jensen Ackles). I was expecting it to be a kind of cult-classic kind of thing- and it WAS - but it was also kind of hard to follow. The plot was interesting in some parts, but others I really just wanted to throw my remote at the screen. I don't know, the entire thing was OKAY I guess (If he and his dad weren't in it I really wouldn't have bothered) but there were really only two parts of it I really wouldn't want kids watching. Well- anyone under 16 or 17. As for a rating, I'd give it a solid 6/10- it wasn't that good but it also wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen- It really did get semi-interesting at the end.

Status: Approved

Submitted 5 months ago

My Bloody Valentine (2009)

THIS MOVIE, MAN- WHEW. I watch it every Halloween when I'm bored and snuggled up on the sofa with my giant bag of candy and let me tell you, it's actually really good. The majority of it (minus that one scene with the lady and the trucker- the latter of the two being played by one of the directors) is actually really cool and it's interesting learning WITH the character (Tom Hanniger) as you watch it. It's like Third-Person Limited- you know what's happening on the outside but you don't really get a feel for how Tom's handling it until almost the end. And when everything is summed up maybe about ten or so minutes before the ending it definitely feels like somewhat of a shock. SOLID 9/10 I love this movie so much 😭

Status: Approved

Submitted 5 months ago

The Covenant (2006)

I grew up watching this movie- legitimately this is one of the first movies I really remember watching. Maybe once or twice a year I'll pull it off the shelf and blow the dust off to get the gears turning again to figure out why I loved it so much. I won't lie, I still do like this movie- but now I see the flaws in the plot and the characters themselves- things I didn't see when I was probably around 5 and just saw a bunch of dudes running around fighting each other and throwing around magic beach balls with rock/alternative music in the background. There is a bit of nudity, but it's really only confined to one scene when the guys are all showering in the locker room and Reid (Toby Hemingway) is walking around in his birthday suit and whips Tyler (Chace Crawford) with a towel. Overall I give this a solid 7/10- it really isn't a bad movie (It's written by the creators of Underworld {Kate Beckinsale}) and I'll probably watch it later since I stumbled upon this.

Status: Approved

Submitted 5 months ago